Updated February 24, 2022
By executing this consent in the manner provided below, you hereby provide Rosalyn, Inc. (“Rosalyn”) with express informed written consent to use your Exam Session Data (defined below) for the purposes described herein. Exam Session Data shall be collected and maintained in accordance with the terms herein and in the Application and Service Privacy Policy (LINK).
“Exam Session Data” means the information we collect about you while you make use of the Rosalyn remote exam proctoring service (the “Service”, as further described in the End User Terms of Use), including but not limited to:
  • A webcam photo of your photo ID;
  • Video and/or pictures collected from your webcam, including face images and resulting biometric information;
  • Audio collected from your microphone;
  • List of processes running on your device;
  • Identifying information such as name, e-mail address, and other unique personal identifiers;
  • Information transmitted to us during your use of the Services;
  • Information you provide when contacting us for help;
  • Device IDs, IP Addresses, and/or other unique identifiers; and
  • Keystrokes and mouse/trackpad inputs.
When It Is Collected.   Exam Session Data in the moments leading up to, and during, your taking of your exam.
How It Is Stored.   Rosalyn shall use commercially reasonable measures, in line with industry standards, to protect Exam Session Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Access to the Exam Session Data shall be restricted to those with a bona fide need to know the information. We will notify you in the event of a known breach of your Exam Session Data.
How Long It Is Stored.   Rosalyn shall retain the Exam Session Data indefinitely, until the earlier of: a.)your withdrawal of your consent; b.) Rosalyn no longer having a reasonable basis to keep the Exam Session Data; and c.) any time limits set by applicable law.

Exam Session Data of Illinois residents shall not, in any case, be maintained for longer than three (3)years.

When we dispose of the Exam Session Data, we will do so in a secure manner.
How It Is Used.   Exam Session Data may be used for the training, development, troubleshooting, and quality assurance of artificial intelligence algorithms for, relating to, or otherwise arising from Rosalyn’s exam proctoring services (the “Algorithms”).

The Algorithms, their underlying technologies, any embodiments and derivatives thereof, and all intellectual property rights therein, are wholly owned by Rosalyn; and Rosalyn shall have full discretion to disclose, use, distribute, or otherwise exploit the Algorithms as it sees fit.
When It Is Disclosed.   Exam Session Data shall be disclosed to third-parties only in connection with, or otherwise as necessary for, the training of the Algorithms, the provision and improvement of the Services, and as otherwise described in the Application and Services Privacy Policy (LINK). Rosalyn does not otherwise share your Exam Session Data with any third-parties. Rosalyn will notify you if your Exam Session Data is inadvertently disclosed or is the subject of a data breach.
Other Terms.   These terms are in addition to, and not in lieu of, other terms you have agreed to in connection with your use of the Rosalyn remote exam proctoring service, including but not limited to the terms of the End User Terms of Use (LINK) and the Application and Services Privacy Policy (LINK). Rosalyn shall have sole discretion with respect to whether to accept or otherwise use your Exam Session Data for the purposes described herein.
Illinois Residents, Taxpayers, Students, and Others. You may not consent to submit biometric data that is subject to the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”). You SHALL NOT check the box below or click “I Agree” if one or more of the following are true:
  • you are a resident of Illinois;
  • you pay taxes in Illinois;
  • you attend a university or educational institution in Illinois;
  • your device has an IP address originating in Illinois; or
  • the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act applies to your biometric data.
By checking the box below and clicking “I Agree”, I hereby consent to the use, storage, and disclosure of my Exam Session Data as described herein.

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